Bass Player

He cracks his knuckles pumping iron weights
in the basement where the gush of hot air
seems to spread his sweat down on the chair
that he’s been sitting on.
And yet from his buried hollows deep
he pries out treasure half asleep
like basement riches to this musician
who’s dedicated now to listen to a world
he’s so far just been hitting on.

Sixteen years of life half lived like in a trance,
yet he’s been dancing all the rest away
like every night, and in jacking off, prancing
in that addictive fantasy,
‘cause he’ll never be more laid than this.
He’s racing for his vain bliss
in the stress he’s placing on his work
while leaving no more time to flirt so his
tongue just pants in ecstasy.

His boney arms and thin frame wrap his bass
as he slaps his face for his mirror friend,
but he can still get his femme body to bend
to show off his fertility!
On his lonely low he throws his blows,
rocks and rolls to blow his load,
punches bags, drags, and plays a chord
shirtless in his basement bored—exploding
like a cathode of masculinity!

Pick handy and tuning strings tame his deep
desires to his whim that were submerged
and twisted to wrest in his gut in sleep
still refusing to be cured—
Take up thy bed and walk!
--Farewell Frat Row

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