Haven Street

This kid's street's an asylum and his asylum cell's a prison,
because in kid-prison they’re fed poison
and are told it’s medication.
So her home is now a refuge for the hoody kids in the shelter,
but in the shelter she was held up
and stuck in the foundation.

So their hoodyland was a jungle in the tumble for survival,
but "with survival stems all madness, man,"
and not without temptation.
Now his open range is asphalt for the asphalt is a fruited plane,
whose fruit for skater boys was Speed
with songs of its salvation.

So their story was a signpost for the offspring of the unloved
who saw their kids get taken away
to face the state's starvation.
Now her story is a street and that street’s a twisted bend
but on it she was healed of hate
with talons of predation.

So his home is now on Haven and Haven's got its cracks
where the kid of smacks got Smack
doled out like radiation.
But his escape route lay on Mendon ‘cause on it all's forgiven,
where she found him in the parking lot
just sitting at the station. 

--Poems from the Sprawl

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