After Breakup (A Withdrawal Story)

I was sweating in the sands and my mouth was running dry—
God, how could she have forsaken me?
Heat was growing heavy on my sweaty squint and brow
before I found a last distraction by my lonely pinkened palm tree.

The desert sun above baked my footprints in the ground.
My journey sat behind me in my tracks.
But I did not turn for her for my mind was tuning out
so the dunes slowly covered up my trail going back.

In my weakness after traveling the hundred mile line
the promise of that shade could get me by—
Without the strength in me to break my pinkened palm’s hard hold
a bond grew out of bliss that was pleasure from on high.

The lust, the gasps, the smooth skin flashed upon my fingers
when the sadness had me on that heaven high,
it just left me sliding down by the old screen’s tangled cords so
I’d be hiding there forever from the angels brushing by.

With no friends or feeling left to grip a helpful thought around
my pace was going faster on each swell.
And as I came down tripping from my climaxes and highs
I realized in my loneliness how far I’d slipped and fell.

No future for a solo junky was bright enough for sun,
for the shade had made me pale by my tree.
Now my desire’s always firing—craving constantly,
yet I never saw how much it made a ruin out of me.

Now pleasure’s poison burns and drags my sadness out
and the shakes snake up a wild lightning.
The desert sun has singed my hair like fires on my skin
and my fantasies are a whirlwind mental—frightening.

Oh palm, how could you have forsaken me?

--Porter Daryl's Poems

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