Flight of the Radical Body

I was growing half-crazy with my fingernails chewing down
the grub-filled tares of terra firma set crouched on all fours,
begging not to be forsaken before your handlebars—
begging to be set free on these sun-baked backroads with you
into the stiff August wind we knew.

See I used to be living life in the backseat rolling up windows
and locking doors to keep the pests from buzzing
close enough to stick their grody probers in my skin—
the blank slate of this boy's ripe ass being too nutritious
for the likes of welts and pricks—

See I grew cramped and bruised when my pubescent limbs
drew me outward into space and I could no longer
sit up straight or stretch my arms and legs in there—
but my bruised knees and elbows, now cramped on the floor,
were healed the moment my premature races
threw me out the back screen door!

And that's when I felt the sun’s tease like citrus, its orange
squeezed out the pulp of my bloodshot eyes
with my knuckles like the impact of an armadillo headbutt
against the eggshell bones of my flat wrists—
those blood streaks taken out upon the brick walls
protecting me from pain—

That's when I saw my toes pruning barefoot in the grass that
soaked a sea below my sandy ankles and drew its lapse
against my limbs with the whips of a northbound breeze—
that gust had flipped my shag loose and dried my lips
long before I made it to your street—

That's when I felt the ground blazing barefoot on the asphalt,
those spikes in the gravel wearing my soles to rubber
as I took off running in the shadowless morn—
through the stinkin' wet soil of plump tomato plants
and gritty stepping stones—

It's when I smelled the heat turning all the dew to vapor on
your newly clipped grass at dawn—the wind making trails
with my sweat in the expressways
and tailwinds ‘round my body, sapping the extract
from my Apocrine glands—

It's when I tasted blood drooling in my cracked lips and
spitting through my buzzing teeth from the lump in my throat—
my lungs collapsing, my muscles beating,
my soles burning on the sidewalk bound toward the
telephone lines above in the blue—

It's when I heard my heart go thumping its electric thud
against every clap and rough tear and breathless pant
and slap of flesh across the jagged tar—
And when I ended up losing my way that long ago day
in my trance for you I just ran home drained,
and yet up to speed again—

—for the dance.

--Poems from the Sprawl

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