Dim Bulb in the Shed (Sweat My Weekend)

There's a dim bulb in the shed where a dragonfly
is walking 'round a dirty bottle's rim.
A fork is on the garden path
and a snaked hose is broken open
on the lake rocks behind him.

So where I sweat my weekend diggin’ out
the old ball hoop's anchor stone—
Sheesh!—for my sake with these prayers take the sky and 
tie it 'round the noon by tooth and bone!

But there's a dim bulb in the shed,
and a breeze is rattling off a song
of darkening suck and gust.
An evening blue is turning 'round a youthful red,
with this morning's broken promises
of my weekend’s wanderlust.

There's a ditch for all the runoff and a busted iron's bent
to stake the sweet ones to the ground.
There's a bite and branch and thorn
and a stream of sweat is dripping 
down to sting my eyes a pound!

So when I lost my eye to diggin’ from
the sting, stink, grit and sand,
Sheesh!—for my sake set your sights to work my life as hard
as your hands have made the land!

So as one to scuttle on the earth and sink
to step the dew to dust when
the noontime sun is high—
As one to work if just for time to write and think
I'll take one blink and burn away
my daylights from the sky.
--Poems from the Sprawl

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