Chain Fences

They had a hedge around their house
to keep us kids in and demons out—
but lo, they were always going up and over, AM to PM,
Chuck and Dyl and Nick and Will from down the hill,
and were squeezing underneath and teasing us
and taking our stuff with them.

So maybe ludicrous, perhaps unnecessary,
like a standardized test, the chains the kept us captive
were just a diamond shadow protest
on the face of a stucco wall undried
when we were taught but not processed,
all caught up inside the yard
and yet told to "leave the nest."

So only those who fell from grace could
find themselves outside that place—
those older kids who hopped it and then all else forbid,                       
while we were stuck hanging on its reigns so jagged
as the thug kids teased us yard spirits in chains
saying "Whacha gonna do kid?”

So however worried, never interested,
and even less impressed, the chains that kept us tested
seemed confining and obsessed,
on a quest to keep us on the green
by an aluminum conquest
so we'd wait wasted, still unseen,
and then eat our pills for rest.
--Poems from the Sprawl 

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