Newer Spring Warmth

Its pinnacle blue around the eyeball of the sky
high above the mantis ground,
spring’s rustling in the breeze of my empty-handed life,
demanding movement in the trees around
yet I’m not standing.

Sunshine’s radiance is lazing these warm days
as the acid melts on my tongue,
and is pelting round and around my brain set ablaze
amidst the warmth and flame of the sun
and morning mist taming.

Shading trees along the college grass
cut with dorms dressing the curb,
it’s reverberating the headphones’ song and trying to last
the summertime long with the heat of the dirt
and cool winds beating.

Dew is dying on the rising of the morn and
tying up the clear day air where
Amherst’s students lie about the campus lawn
rolling the sun up with blunts down there
smoking up the ground.

--Porter Daryl's Poems

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