Kinked Garden Hose 1

When my green grass has had enough water
to drown in the rough and be ready for slaughter
the little guy you like rises tonight
in the sheets and shades tight
with an anarchy heart and electric plating
at its light bulb circuit thighs,
saying life’s too short to waste just waiting
for the next best thing to come on stating its
greatness to your wandering eyes!

And when you’re reveling in this boy’s ruin
at the bedside and shaking your head to clue in
that “being a man” has nothing to do with
that whole “getting laid” myth—
what am I supposed to do when
it’s what you’re asking of me?
I guess I get rude and dumb and lazy,
I kid and horse around to make you crazy
‘cause being a man is such a mystery.

But when the sun can’t learn to rise for fun
we excuse it with lies set loose like a gun
and explore all your fears and
the testament of our years—
because as your time wears slow
your guiding light blinks, I know,
but it just kinks my garden-hose mind as you go
and cuts off my circulation so signals can’t flow
for my brain wires go unlinked!

Then when your moods get me in chains and
dictate the turnout flow of my virus strains,
and you send me back to my kind
for I'm the only guy you can find
like an object of some gender law,
one fatal flaw shines forth
yet it’s the only one you never saw—
the flaw okaying you to push past your jaw
other guys outside our party lines!

So when music plays in the bed half-awake
like a daydream when in my head you shake
and take that little morning pill
for the hole I'll never get to fill,
I’m already starting to stink—
I’m decomposing with time to spare, still,
you dull my mind when I’m starting to think
so to the bright light I won’t shed a wink or
to the ages have anything to share.

And when I’ve snapped my last soda can
finally on the road to being this “grown man,”
and yet inside I'm made strange
for my body has to change—
I go rearranging my anger to lust
to dust you off my shoulder blades,
and I’m getting excited in range of your thrusts
and going to the lav to flush out my guts
as the contents of this system fade.

--Porter Daryl's Poems

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