
So my blood became like oil beneath a sandy skin
one evening dim and moist by fireside light.
She took a stab to stick that boiled and itched
and then set sail against the tall grass bloated
with the fleeting luxury of flesh to reap
before her well of victims deep was dry.

The floodlights hummed and crickets pined—
The yard swings creaked in steady breeze—
And she flapped fury for this boy’s warmth
amidst the empty folding chairs and clotheslines,
but her hunger wasn’t quelled those nights
her well of blood went dry.

See, a bloated flyer is easily snatched
when in their search for energy untapped
for she’s made slow to flap away in time
to save the day (her abdomen now a heavy sac).
Her spoils drained, she’s snapped, and forced
to give back that stolen slick.

Running on empty,
Nestled in the draining light—
Stubborn prospector!

--Poems from the Sprawl

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